About Us
Poll-e-tix has been developed for the purpose of giving the majority a way of communicating with government and business on the important issues of the day. Asking questions and getting answers in real time is what we are all about.
As we strive to get "Answers" we also invite registered users to ask us any questions or give us suggestions towards making Poll-e-tix the best way to give and receive answers and questions on the important issues of the day, we then relay that information to those who need to hear it.
Tick your selection to the main pollitical "Question of the Week", don’t forget Time is Ticking, you only get one week to have your say. Tick your selections to the various other questions asked by companies and go into the draw to win free stuff every week.
Or form your own question for other members to answer, see how others feel about issues that are important to you.